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E3 - IOS - Electromobility and quality of life - Cr. 4-4 - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Veranstaltungsart E-Learning Langtext Mobility transition and quality of life. Changes towards electromobility and challenges for Latin America and Europe
Veranstaltungsnummer Kurztext
Semester WiSe 2020/21 SWS
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 35
Credits 4-4 Belegung Belegpflicht
Weitere Links Zertifikat 'Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung' (BNE) der UDE
Studium liberale im IOS (Modul E3)
Sprache Englisch
Einrichtung :
Institut für wissenschaftliche Schlüsselkompetenzen IwiS
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt] iCalendar Export für Outlook
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-
Status Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen E-Learning
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Sa. 13:00 bis 16:00 EinzelT am 07.11.2020         E-Learning
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Sa. 13:00 bis 18:00 EinzelT am 21.11.2020         E-Learning
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Sa. 12:00 bis 18:00 EinzelT am 05.12.2020         E-Learning
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Sa. 12:00 bis 18:00 EinzelT am 19.12.2020         E-Learning
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Sa. 12:00 bis 18:00 EinzelT am 09.01.2021         E-Learning
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Sa. 16:00 bis 20:00 EinzelT am 23.01.2021     Abschlusssitzung   E-Learning
Gruppe [unbenannt]:
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich

Zugeordnete Personen
Zugeordnete Personen Zuständigkeit
Roose, Ilka , Dr.
Morales Balcázar, Ramón Andrés
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Studium liberale (E3)
Institut für wissenschaftliche Schlüsselkompetenzen IwiS


This seminar offers students the unique opportunity to directly exchange ideas and knowledge with international experts and social actors in order to gain first-hand insights while studying in Germany. The project seminar will discuss the role of electromobility in the currently debated mobility transition and its chances and challenges towards more sustainable societies. The students will get input from experts of Global South and Global North on mobility transition focusing on electro mobility and impacts of raw material extraction especially in the South American countries: Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina.

The seminar will focus on answering the two following core questions: 

  • Under which conditions can electro-mobility improve people’s quality of life in Germany and in the rest of the world (South America in particular)? 
  • Can batteries be produced without socioenvironmental impacts? 

Germany and Europe have a key role in the transition towards a low-carbon future. How the current transition  strategies are designed, and what are their positive and negative impacts in both the Global North and Global South in a context of climate emergency, are a key question for all kinds of disciplines. Focusing on sustainability, students will learn that the solutions to the urgent challenges of the 21st century need to be contextualized not only ecologically but also socially, economically, and technologically. Through this seminar students will experience what it means to analyze and reflect knowledge from different disciplines and to work together in a team in order to channel that knowledge into one concise report.  

In groups focusing on different subtopics, the students will work on a report about the socio-environmental cost of electro mobility. Ideally, we will form two main groups: one focusing on the South American context and one focusing on the German/European context. The outcome will be aligned in one coherent report. 

If successful, the report will be forwarded and published by our expert partners. 


  • Lectures: The students will get background information via online lectures.
  • Group work: The students will work in groups on a mutually derived research question contributing to the overall report. Depending on the research question/subtopic the students may use qualitative interviews, data analysis or lecture analysis.


Report on the socio-environmental costs of electro-mobility from two perspectives: South America and Germany. Including analysis and recommendations. The report will be written in English and will require a German summary.
Depending on its quality, the report will be forwarded to different NGOs in the Global South and North to be used for their informational purposes (e.g. Observatorio Plurinacional de Salares Andinos; Brot für die Welt, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, other universities such as Freiberg, Erfurt and FU), with corresponding acknowledgements for the group contribution.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the course, students will have learned to:

  • gather, reflect, and discuss first-hand expert knowledge from a south-north perspective.
  • analyse information on currently highly relevant topics (climate change, green technologies, water and sustainable development) from different kinds of sources and perspectives (social actors, academics)
  • work and collaborate with a transdisciplinary and transcultural team in order to produce a collaborative report.

About the interdisciplinary teaching tandem: 

Dr. Ilka Roose is a Research Fellow of the Sustainability Process (Nachhaltigkeitsprozess, napro) of the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2019 and is cooperating with the team of the BNE certificate. She just published her dissertation (Flows of Chilean water governance: social innovations in defiance of mistrust and fragmented institutions) and holds a master degree in Urban Culture, Society and Space. Her main research areas are Water Governance and Sustainable Development.

Ramón Morales Balcázar holds a Master in International Studies / Sustainable Agricultural Development (France) and a Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration (Chile). He is now a Phd Student in Rural Development (Mexico) working on conflicts and socio-environmental impacts of lithium extraction in Indigenous territories of Northern Chile as a consequence of the implementation of electromobility in a context of climate crisis. Ramón is founder of local NGO Fundación Tantí and member of the Plurinational Observatory of Andean Salt Flats, a cross-border platform comprised by indigenous leaders, activists and academics from Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. 

Ilka and Ramón met as university students in Valparaiso, and years after the interest for sustainability encouraged them to collaborate for this course. 



Saturdays (we meet in the afternoon because of the time differences between Mexico and Germany)

  1. 07. November 13-16 hours: Presentation Ramón Morales & Ilka Roose, Introduction of topics
  2. 21. November 13-18 hours: Consolidation of Topics, Group formations
  3. 05. December 12 -18 hours: Colloquium: consolidation of topics, presentation of status and time for group work
  4. 19. December 12-18 hours: Colloquium: consolidation of topics, presentation of status and time for group work
  5. 09. January 12-18 hours: Colloquium: consolidation of topics, presentation of status and time for group work
  6. 23. January 16-20 hours: final presentation (hopefully with externals, therefore late)

The classes will be held online only (Moodle, BBB and zoom). Groups are encouraged to meet on the indicated dates. We will invite the groups (online group meetings) on a rolling base to the days III, IV and V.
Depending on the number of students and groups one or two groups meet on one day (e.g. first group meeting from 12:00 to 15:30 hours. Second group meeting from 16:00 to 18:00). We will have to adjust the group work and input phases to the schedule of our experts. Anyway students should keep those days blocked.


Registration starting on 07.10.2020


Students admitted to the course will receive the relevant login information via email before the course starts. The login deadline mentioned in the email has to be met, otherwise your admittance becomes void and the place will be given to another student. The latest possible admittance via login is November 13, 2020. (Please ensure that your university inbox has enough space to receive emails. This is also necessary for any emails automatically forwarded to your private email account. Those tend to end up in the spam folder, especially with blind copies that have numerous recipients, so please check there as well. We recommend checking Webmail directly at regular intervals, since many providers have had trouble with delayed messages in the last few months given the high utilisation of the services.)


This course was designed for the Certificate Education for Sustainable Development (Zertifikat "Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung" an der UDE) as a project seminar for area III.
At the same time, Credits are accepted for modul E3 Studium liberale or non-technical studies as well.

Interessiert an Nachhaltigkiet und Mobilität? Siehe auch "E3 - napro - Nachhaltige Mobilität am und um den Campus Duisburg-Essen - Cr. 3" - das Begleitseminar zum Climathon 2020!

Students will get the Moodle-login information via e-mail to their students' account. Please keep the deadline mentioned in the same e-mail; otherwise your registration will be cancelled in favor of students from the waiting list.


Contact via: studium-liberale@uni-due.de

A list with available places for module E3, further information about module E3/Studium liberale, alle E3-courses in chronological order etc. can be found here: homepage of IOS.


Studierende des Masterstudiengangs „Urbane Kultur, Gesellschaft und Raum“ können sich bei Dr. Ilka Roose (ilka.roose@uni-due.de) um einen Platz bewerben.


In E3 suitable for all study programmes

Language Requirements:

  • English (professional working proficiency required)
  • German (of advantage, not required)


Prerequisite for the exam is a presentation of the work status/report during the course.

To get 4 credit points the students will have to write a group report. Each student will have to write 4-6 pages using the data and sources elaborated on during the course (Deadline 28.02.2020).

Grading: Each student will be graded on their individual contribution/chapter to the report. However, the coherent contextual embedding in the overall report is also included in the score.

All students will be graded, depending on the examination regulations of one's study programme, grades possibly will be included in the final BA-/MA-grade.

In E3 there is neither a need nor a technical possibility to register for the examination at the examination office. In our own teaching assignments ("E3 - IOS") you are (de-)registered for the course and the exam at the same time via LSF.

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2020/21 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25