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Optische Signalverarbeitung - Single View

  • Functions:
Basic Information
Type of Course Vorlesung/Übung Long text Optische Signalverarbeitung
Number Short text OSV
Term SoSe 2024 Hours per week in term 3
Expected no. of participants Max. participants
Credits Assignment enrollment
Hyperlink https://moodle.uni-due.de/course/info.php?id=5783
Language Deutsch
application period EIT-Anmeldung_SoSe24    12.02.2024 - 30.06.2024   
Department :
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Dates/Times/Location Group: [no name] iCalendar export for Outlook
  Day Time Frequency Duration Room Room-
Status Remarks Cancelled on Max. participants E-Learning
show single terms
iCalendar export for Outlook
Fr. 12:00 bis 15:00 wöch. BA - BA 152       Präsenzveranstaltung
Group [no name]:
application currently not allowed

Responsible Instructors
Responsible Instructors Responsibilities
Buß, Rüdiger , Dr.-Ing. verantwort
Wiss. Mitarb.,  begleitend
Curricula Term Pflichtkennzeichen
M-EIT(EP)-19, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik - WP
M-EIT(ES)-19, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik - WP
M-Nano(NPT)-19, NanoEngineering - WP
M-Nano(NENOE)-19, NanoEngineering - WP
15 M.Sc., ISE/Embedded System Engineering (Master of Science) 2 - 2 WP
NE MA, NanoEngineering (Master-Studiengang) - WP
15 M.Sc., ISE/Communications Engineering (Master of Science) 2 - 2 WP
Assign to Departments
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Anmeldung online unter: https://udue.de/osp


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