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E3 _ WiWi - Incubate X Futures - Project Work - Cr. 12 - Einzelansicht

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Semester WiSe 2023/24 SWS 9
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 60
Credits 6 - 6 Belegung Keine Belegpflicht
Weitere Links Studium liberale im IwiS (Modul E3)
Zu den Lageplänen der UDE
Sprache Englisch

Zugeordnete Personen
Zugeordnete Personen Zuständigkeit
Rothe, Hannes, Professor, Dr. verantwort
Bloch, Annemarie
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Institut für wissenschaftliche Schlüsselkompetenzen IwiS


This project is focused on taking the first steps towards producing a digital venture that helps to solve societies’ most pressing issues, the sustainable development goals. Small teams of three to five students explore pressing problems and create a potential solution in the form of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). They develop a business model (Teece, 2010) for their solution and use the MVP to validate core assumptions of this business model (Blank, 2013)


In this project you are equipped with relevant tools, knowledge and hands-on experience in digital innovation and entrepreneurship. The project is comprised of three stages:

  1. Research, problem formulation and ideation process
  2. Participation in the Startup Olympics
  3. Further development of business idea: prototyping, concept, business model to MVP

At the end of the project, you will have produced an MVP, a pitch deck and a report laying out your business model. All of which may be used to progress further and potentially use for funding application.

As part of the project, you will take part in the Startup Olympics that take place over a weekend in mid-November. The participation is mandatory.

The Startup Olympics require a weekend-long full-day commitment from all students. The benefits from this are great: mentoring, support and workshops on business plan and concept modelling, pitching and marketing.

To receive continued support and develop your idea further after the semester, you can apply at Place Beyond Bytes. There, you benefit from working spaces and facilities, a growing network and access to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Ruhr area, specifically Duisburg and Essen, a growing co-creation space for young, like-minded entrepreneurial students as well as support and access to digital technologies and knowledge and support with these (e. g. GPU clusters, ML- and other AI-related knowledge). Workshops, consultation and exchange with other (student) entrepreneurs will be offered as well.

The students

  • gain hands on experience in digital innovation and entrepreneurship, 
  • learn about, apply and conduct concept formulation, market research and agile development processes.
  • produce a minimum viable product in forms of a testable prototype, a pitch deck and a report laying out the business model
  • understand and analyse problem domains related to societal, ecological and/or social challenges
  • develop solutions within the problem domains that they have defined in teams

identify critically limits, challenges and advantages of their created solutions.


Please consult our webpage for updates on the course: 



How to register

Please write an email to Annemarie: annemarie.bloch@icb.uni-due.de with the following infos:

Betreff/Subject: Registration Entrepreneurship with Purpose

In Email: Your full name, matriculation number, your subject, your semester

If you already have an idea, please indicate that as well. 

Also, please inform us in three sentences why you would like to participate in this course.


Blank, Steve. (2013). Why the lean start-up changes everything. Harvard Business Review. 91. 93-72

Lehmann, J., & Recker, J. (2021). Offerings That are“Ever-in-the-Making” How Digital Ventures Continuously Develop Their Products After Launch. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 1-21

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., & Smith, A. (2015).Value proposition design:How to create products and services customers want. John Wiley & Sons.·

Teece, D. J. (2010). Business models, business strategy and innovation. Long rangeplanning, 43(2-3), 172-194

Osterwalder, Alexander, Pigneur, Yves. (2011): Business Model Generation, Frankfurt am Main 2011.


Achtung: Ausschluss umgeschrieben am 17.09.23!

Important Dates (participation mandatory)

Kick-off: xx.10.2023 at Place Beyond Bytes / Haniel Campus (KW 41)

Ideation process I: xx.10.2023 (KW 42)

Ideation process II: xx.10.2023 (KW 44)

Startup Olympics: 10.11.-12.11.

Mid-project evaluation: xx.12.2023 (KW 49)

Final presentations: xx.01/02.2024 (KW 5 or later)

Final dates will be announced on our webpage: https://www.sust.wiwi.uni-due.de (Teaching)

Webpage of Startup Olympics: https://startupolympics.de

The didactical design for this tutorial is highly design-oriented and focuses on teamwork, critical case reflection, group discussions, research, prototyping and presentations.

We invite all interested students eligible for E3 and interested in digital technologies, team work and building ideas. This is a course, where you can and are asked to work very independently. You get support and counseling onside - the main responsibility for making this course successful lies within you and your team, though. As we are working in teams, we strongly recommend to apply only, if you want to participate the course until the end. Otherwise, your team members will face constraints in case you decide to leave. 

We are looking forward to explore possible futures and ideas to build those with you. 

More details on dates and location as well as how to register for the course follow mid September (from 12th onwards) on our webpage https://www.sust.wiwi.uni-due.de/ under „Teaching"

Looking forward to seeing you in our course. 


Bei diesem für E3 geöffneten Kurs melden Sie sich bitte ausnahmsweise für E3 und/oder das Zertifikat BNE nicht in LSF über das IwiS sondern direkt beim Anbieter an. Informationen folgen ab dem 12.09.23. auf der o.g. Homepage.

Die Veranstaltung ist zugleich anrechenbar für Bereich III des Zertifikats ‚Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung‘ der UDE.


Students should have a great interest in digital technologies, their usage and implementation. We will have room for discussion on upsides and downsides of digital technologies. To be able to follow the course and work actively on the projects, you should have basic knowledge about a Business Model Canvas. We strongly recommend to familiarize with standard literature upfront of the course (see below). As the course starts later in the semester, there should be sufficient time to go through relevant literature. In the course, we will give further recommendations on material, if required.

Open only for MA-students

In E3 nicht geeignet für: BA-Studierende, WiWi; AI-SE, BWL (MSM & WiWi), Komedia, KuWi, MOAS m Wi., Wi.-Inf., Wi.-Mathe.
Studierende der Fak. Mathematik: Bitte beachten Sie bei der Auswahl selbstständig, dass Sie in E3 nur Angebote belegen dürfen, die auch bzgl. Ihres gewählten Anwendungsfachs explizit fachfremd sind.

Language: Englisch (German required for participation in Startup Olympics)


The final grading will be based on the sum of performance across the individual milestones:

  1. Problem Understanding (20%)
  2. Pitch presentation that highlights solution and validation of core business assumption (30%)
  3. Final Submission (50%)

(1) and (2) are delivered in form of oral presentations, accompanied by presentation decks, (3) represents a written assignment, a report of the business idea (15-20 pages). Details will be given in the first session.

In order to successfully meet the exam requirements, the participation of the Startup Olympics as advance performance is needed. Costs are covered by the department.

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2023/24 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25